
Visit the websites of Bon Operatit! and the New Resonance Orchestra.

Visit www.innova.mu to hear samples of the "Tapestry: New Music from the Americas" CD. 

Other organizations with whom I have worked at the HS level include the New Orleans Center for the Creative and Performing Arts as well as the Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra.

 Please visit www.cdbaby.com for information on Bon Operatit's new CD entitled "Sensatiable." You can hear 30' tracks there.


Navigating Houston

Wow!  Only six days in Houston!  I am realizing what an active, dynamic, and potentially exciting place this can be for the study and performance of classical music.  I am eager to meet the professional community of teachers, directors, and performers.  Meanwhile, I encourage you to take a look at some of the creative projects I am involved with in New Orleans by visiting these websites: www.newresonanceorchestra.org and www.bonoperatit.com.  Connections!

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Reader Comments (1)

I am already meeting many informed and dynamic people from Houston. Re-energizing is an important part of the growth process. I look forward to many more possibilities here.

October 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterFrankie J. Kelly

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